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1 00:46 Popular
Hitler plans to troll forums
112.2k Views / 1 LikesHitler plans to troll forums. Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip From Downfall (Der Untergang) The Hitler Rants Parody's Group http://www.youtube.com/group/hitlerrantsparodies
2 00:23 Popular
Hitler is asked about the Gaming Forum
19.2k Views / 0 LikesHitler is asked about the Gaming Forum. http://fhgamingforum.com Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies Forum http://s1.zetaboards.com/downfallparodies
3 01:09 Popular
Hitler plans to join HRP's Forum
17.5k Views / 0 LikesHitler Rants Parodies Forum http://www.hitlerrantsparodies.com/forum Parody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) HRP Discord: http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chat Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hitlerrantsparodies EpicLee (My other ch
4 00:53 Popular
Hitler plans to join the Downfall Parodies Forum
17.5k Views / 1 LikesHitler plans to join the Downfall Parodies Forum. Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies Forum http://s1.zetaboards.com/downfallparodies Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?g
5 00:21 Popular
Hitler is informed about the Downfall Parodies Forum
17.4k Views / 0 LikesHitler is informed about the Downfall Parodies Forum http://s1.zetaboards.com/downfallparodies Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip From Downfall (Der Untergang) The Hitler Rants Parody's Group http://www.youtube.com/group/hitlerrantsparodies
6 00:35 Popular
Hitler is informed about the Hitler Rants Parodies Forum
17.2k Views / 0 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Hitler Rants Parodies Forum http://hitlerrantsparodies.com Downfall Parodies Chat Room http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chat Like my Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com
7 00:21 Popular
Hitler is informed by Blondi
11.6k Views / 1 LikesHitler is informed by Blondi. Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip from Downfall (Der Untergang) The Hitler Rants Parody's Group http://www.youtube.com/group/hitlerrantsparodies Downfall Parodies Forum http://s1.zetaboards.com/downfallparodies
8 00:55 Popular
Goebbels rants about the Half-Dead Skeletor Army
11.2k Views / 1 LikesParody created by Hitler Rants Parodies HRP Chat: http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chat EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming HRP Forum http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/forum/ Facebook Group & Page https://www.facebook.com/HRPDo
9 03:50 Popular
Hitler rants about the PC version of GTA IV I
11.1k Views / 0 LikesThe original first version of Hitler rants about the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV parody first uploaded 8 December 2008 (Warning Strong Language) Hitler rants about the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV Uploaded December 13, 2008 Views: 102,898 Comme
10 01:53 Popular
Hitler trolls Koller
10.8k Views / 1 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) HRP Chatroom http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chat EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming Facebook Group & Page https://www.facebook.com/HRPDownfallParodies https:
11 00:30 Popular
Hitler is asked "Are you dead yet?"
10.8k Views / 1 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/622400971151537/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page http://www.facebook.c
12 03:50 Popular
Hitler breaks his TV with a Wii Remote
10.3k Views / 0 LikesHitler breaks his TV with a Wii Remote Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip From Downfall (Der Untergang) The Hitler Rants Parody's Group http://www.youtube.com/group/hitlerrantsparodies
13 03:50 Popular
Hitler is informed about a PS3 without Blu ray
9,945 Views / 0 LikesHitler is informed about a rumour that the PS3 will have a price cut and that there may be a PS3 without Blu ray when informed that the PS3 without Blu ray is pure nonsense Hitler starts going on a ranting spree about Blu ray and the whole Blu ray vs HD D
14 01:01 Popular
Hitler interviews Günsche
9,865 Views / 1 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/622400971151537/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page http://www.facebook.c
15 01:13 Popular
Jodl plans to buy a Donald Trump wig
9,812 Views / 1 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Hitler Rants Parodies Forum - HRP Chatrooms http://hitlerrantsparodies.com http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chatrooms EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming Facebo
16 03:25 Popular
Hitler Rants Parodies: The Beginning
9,812 Views / 0 LikesHitler and the beginning of the Downfall Parodies. Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip From Downfall (Der Untergang) & C&C Red Alert The Hitler Rants Parody's Group http://www.youtube.com/group/hitlerrantsparodies Downfall Parodies Forum http://s1.zetaboa
17 00:21 Popular
Hitler is informed Germany will beat England in the World Cup
9,710 Views / 0 LikesHitler is informed Germany will beat England in the 2010 World Cup. Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip From Downfall (Der Untergang) The Hitler Rants Parody's Group http://www.youtube.com/group/hitlerrantsparodies Downfall Parodies Forum http://s1.zetabo
18 00:15 Popular
Kitler and the Fegelpussy plastic bag antic
9,083 Views / 0 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) HRP Chat: http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chat EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming HRP Forum http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/forum/ Facebook Group & Page https:
19 00:54 Popular
Hitler plans to block YouTube's ads
8,625 Views / 1 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/622400971151537/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page http://www.facebook.c
20 00:39 Popular
Hitler is informed hitlerrantsparodies was not axed and Fegelein is alive
8,404 Views / 1 LikesHitler is informed hitlerrantsparodies was not axed and Fegelein is alive. Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip From Downfall (Der Untergang) The Hitler Rants Parody's Group http://www.youtube.com/group/hitlerrantsparodies Downfall Parodies Forum http://s
21 00:37 Popular
Hitler encounters Skeletor
8,279 Views / 1 LikesHitler encounters Skeletor. Goebbels' New Look by vzorkic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss_y9KOEQ34 Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip from Downfall (Der Untergang) & He-Man Downfall Parodies Forum http://s1.zetaboards.com/downfallparodies Hitler Rants
22 01:18 Popular
Hitler interviews Krebs
8,013 Views / 1 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/622400971151537/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page http://www.facebook.c
23 00:34 Popular
Kitler's food is stolen by the Fegelchicken
7,881 Views / 0 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Hitler Rants Parodies Forum - HRP Chatrooms http://hitlerrantsparodies.com http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chatrooms EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming Facebo
24 03:50 Popular
Hitler rants about former President George W Bush
7,811 Views / 1 LikesHitler rants about former President George W Bush Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip From Downfall (Der Untergang) The Hitler Rants Parody's Group http://www.youtube.com/group/hitlerrantsparodies
25 00:55 Popular
Hitler's Almighty Troll Face
7,796 Views / 0 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Music: Medal Of Honor Frontline - Title Theme Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/622400971151537 Hitler Rants
26 01:19 Popular
Hitler phones an Indian call center
7,529 Views / 0 LikesHitler phones an Indian call center because his Internet connection is down, so he phones his ISP and has to explain his problem. Created by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants
27 00:31 Popular
Hitler and map pointing Krebs
7,458 Views / 1 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/622400971151537/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page http://www.facebook.c
28 00:48 Popular
Goebbels rants about his mouse voice
7,415 Views / 1 LikesGoebbels rants about his mouse voice. Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies Forum http://s1.zetaboards.com/downfallparodies Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=1239443609
29 02:03 Popular
Hitler tries to help Hitler find Berlin
7,355 Views / 0 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Hitler Rants Parodies Forum - HRP Chatrooms http://hitlerrantsparodies.com http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chatrooms EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming Facebo
30 01:27 Popular
Burgdorf tries to sing "Poor old man" for 10 hours
7,243 Views / 1 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies Forum http://www.downfallparodies.net/forum/ Hitler Rants Parodies Chat Room http://downfallparodies.chatango.com/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.face
31 02:09 Popular
Hitler plans to troll Jodl
7,241 Views / 1 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Hitler Rants Parodies Forum - HRP Chatrooms http://hitlerrantsparodies.com http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chatrooms EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming Facebo
32 04:36 Popular
Fegelein: The Failüre
7,149 Views / 1 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Hitler Rants Parodies Forum - The Fegelchat - HRP Chat http://hitlerrantsparodies.com http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chat http://thefegelchat.chatango.com EpicLee (My other channel) http://ww
33 01:27 Popular
Hitler interviews Bruno Ganz
7,148 Views / 1 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/622400971151537/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page http://www.facebook.c
34 10:27 Popular
Back to the Reich: Part V
7,143 Views / 0 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hitlerrantsparodies HRP Chat: http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chat EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming Facebook Group & Page h
35 01:47 Popular
Hitler is informed Anton Yelchin has died
7,035 Views / 1 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Hitler Rants Parodies Forum - The Fegelchat - HRP Chat http://hitlerrantsparodies.com http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chat http://thefegelchat.chatango.com EpicLee (My other channel) http://ww
36 00:32 Popular
Hitler is informed Wales has beaten Belgium 3-1
7,033 Views / 0 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Hitler Rants Parodies Forum - The Fegelchat - HRP Chat http://hitlerrantsparodies.com http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chat http://thefegelchat.chatango.com EpicLee (My other channel) http://ww
37 03:50 Popular
Shocking interview with Donald Trump for President campaign
7,006 Views / 0 LikesParody created by HRP using clip from Risitas y las paelleras Hitler Rants Parodies Forum - HRP Chatrooms http://hitlerrantsparodies.com http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chatrooms EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming Facebook
38 04:02 Popular
Hitler reacts to Pokémon Go
6,905 Views / 1 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Hitler Rants Parodies Forum - HRP Chat http://hitlerrantsparodies.com http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chat EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming Facebook Group &
39 01:04 Popular
Hitler interviews Himmler
6,847 Views / 0 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/622400971151537/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page http://www.facebook.c
40 02:33 Popular
Hitler rants like a Chipmunk
6,842 Views / 0 LikesHitler rants like a Chipmunk Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip From Downfall (Der Untergang) The Hitler Rants Parody's Group http://www.youtube.com/group/hitlerrantsparodies
41 02:26 Popular
Hitler phones Kim Jong-un
6,823 Views / 0 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/622400971151537/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page http://www.facebook.c
42 01:07 Popular
Kitler and the Fegelpigeon
6,789 Views / 1 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Hitler Rants Parodies Forum - HRP Chatrooms http://hitlerrantsparodies.com http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chatrooms EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming Facebo
43 05:15 Popular
Hitler and Germany's victory over Brazil in the World Cup
6,731 Views / 0 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Downfall Parodies Forum http://www.downfallparodies.net/forum/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/62240097115
44 00:41 Popular
Hitler and the fish loving Krebspuss
6,711 Views / 0 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) HRP Chat: http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/chat EpicLee (My other channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicLeeGaming HRP Forum http://hitlerrantsparodies.com/forum/ Facebook Group & Page https:
45 02:16 Popular
Hitler wants Hitler found
6,702 Views / 0 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/622400971151537/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page http://www.facebook.c
46 00:11 Popular
Krebs gets good news about his fish
6,631 Views / 1 LikesParody created by HRP using clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Hitler Rants Parodies Forum http://hitlerrantsparodies.com Like my Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/HRPDownfallParodies Join my Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Grou
47 00:43 Popular
Goebbels rants about Downfall Parodies
6,630 Views / 1 LikesGoebbels rants about Downfall Parodies. Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies Forum http://s1.zetaboards.com/downfallparodies
48 01:01 Popular
Hitler wants Himmler to give him a Full Body Massage
6,604 Views / 0 LikesHitler wants Himmler to give him a Full Body Massage. Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip From Downfall (Der Untergang) The Hitler Rants Parody's Group http://www.youtube.com/group/hitlerrantsparodies Downfall Parodies Forum http://s1.zetaboards.com/downf
49 03:49 Popular
Hitler and the sleeping pill incident
6,355 Views / 1 LikesCreated by Hitler Rants Parodies Clips from Downfall (Der Untergang) Downfall Parodies www.downfallparodies.net Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/622400971151537/ Hitler Rants Parodies Facebook Page http://www.facebook.c
50 01:07 Popular
Hitler has not received a Valentine's card
6,334 Views / 1 LikesHitler has not received a Valentine's card. Created by hitlerrantsparodies Clip From Downfall (Der Untergang) The Hitler Rants Parody's Group http://www.youtube.com/group/hitlerrantsparodies Downfall Parodies Forum http://s1.zetaboards.com/downfallparodie